Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunny Jamaica

Jamaica 2007 - We arrived in Jamaica on New Years eve day, tired and travel weary. The plane flight was relatively short, but the bus ride from the airport to the hotel was 2 hours in length. It was bumpy and unsettling at the very least. By the time we got to the hotel, it was dark and we hadn't eaten all day. We just wanted to get to our room and unwind a bit.

Our first impression of the island from the air was good. The view from the plane had turquoise green waters and numerous reef ridges surrounding the island. Upon arrival at the airport however, we had a totally different feeling. The "shuffle" from the plane through customs, etc. was long and drawn out.

We then went from the airport to a small bus behind the airport where we waited for the "locals" to decide when to bring us to the hotel. "Hurry up and wait." We then watched the drivers literally throw our luggage through the bus windows and told us to get in. The driver was pleasant and said that we would stop halfway for a "water/bathroom break." The roads are horrendous at best. It appears as though they are redoing the roads to prepare for a Cricket match some time in the spring. The roads were so bad that on the way back to the airport, Kath almost vomited!

Our room was really nice. Ocean front with a view of one of the two sprawling Infinity pools. What a welcomed site after a long day of travel! We quickly changed our clothes and headed out to the check out one of the many bars on the sprawling complex of over 900 rooms. Of course we did not have to go far! We sat awhile and just took in the gentle warm breezes and a refreshing cold vodka and grapefruit (of course)!

New Years eve was well organized and pleasant. We had met several wonderful people and shared space with them at "our hang out bar" on a regular basis. Just before midnight, the numerous staff of the hotel handed out bags with horns, hats, banner string, etc., and of course glasses full of champagne. At midnight the band counted down the minutes and the entire hotel of over 2500 people yelled happy New Year! After the toast to the New Year they had a bon- fire on the beach, with a band as well. It was different and fun.

Every night the hotel had a different entertainment theme. It had several different themes and was always an enjoyable experience.

The last night we were there, the hotel had a Tribal Dance theme with fire, etc. on the beach. We choose to watch from "our" bar, which was located just above the beach. Prime viewing without the sand.

The week was full of sun and relaxation. An hour or so on the beach, and then cool off at the in- pool bar with cocktails.

The island does not have much to offer in the way of entertainment though, and one is advised not to wander to most areas. One day we took a tour to Ochos Rio, the town closest to us and where the cruise ships come in. The bus driver warned us where to and not to go. We checked out the "local wares" from the Jamaican flea market type area and were ready to go back to the hotel in a hour or so. Another day we took the bus to Dunn's River Falls where we walked beside a huge waterfall that others were climbing up. Not an adventure that Kath and me were interested in taking. There were also many little huts surrounding the area where, once again, the locals were pedaling their wares such as local wood carvings and the like. A little intimidating, but fairly safe none the less.

All in all it was a great vacation, a welcomed and enjoyable vacation. The hotel was clean and new, the food, drinks, and entertainment were good, the sun was always warm and inviting, and of course my best friend helped make the experience memorable.

~ LJg