Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mumm's the Word!

After a warm afternoon at the beach, we were back at our room to wash off the sand and enjoy a cold beverage while we took in a spectacular view.
This worthy exemplar of richness and finesse that epitomizes “Only the Best” was a gift from someone very special - Thank you "J", we enjoyed every drop!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Spot with a View

This is definitely one of my favorite photos. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in one of these chairs listening to the surf hit the golden sands while you appreciate the gentle breezes upon your sun kissed skin... ~ LJg

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


The past couple of years at the RIU had dynamite entertainment every night,(not me and Kath). This place had very poor entertainment nightly, so we made our own. You be the judge...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Grand Bahia Principe

The past couple of years we have gone to Jamaica because it is close and offers warm water and sunshine at a time when we usually have had enough cold.
The hotel that we stayed at was the Grand Bahia Principe. Last year we dropped off a few people at the resort on our way to ours and thought that it looked grand. It had just opened. We both said to each other that we should have considered staying there. Well this year we did.
The grounds were impeccable and stylishly designed. Palms and tropical flowers everywhere. The beach was expansive with grass huts all over the place. Calm surf, powder white sands, and gentle tropical breezes. If I close my eyes I can still feel the sand between my toes and the smell of the salt air and feel of the sun embellishing my body with vitamin D. Ahhhhh, that was the life... That is until we got into the room and found that there were a few things that we hadn't planned on. For example, the "mini bar" that was supposed to be stocked with our favorite beverages had the following in there: 2 beers, 2 small bottles water, 2 cokes, 1 diet coke, 1 orange soda, and 1 sprite. That was it! We wandered where the vodka was??? Now I ask you, do you think that this would be a problem? We asked to have more water put in the room and that really never happened. So guess what, we had to drink the other stuff from the bar that looked like water. Kath is so smart, she said there had to be water in there at one time or another. We had to hydrate... Anyways, after the hotel running out of vodka two days in a row, the shower head falling off on Kath's head, no towels in the room, the electronic key system erratically locked us out of the room... We still had a good time.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Liquid Breakfast for Two, Please

We departed for our annual winter reprieve on Friday. Upon our departure the Boston temperature was 17 degrees. A little cold to say the least, but 4 hours later, we were enjoying the balmy tropical heat and breezes of Jamaica.
Our trip this year almost didn't happen. We had decided that we were not going to go in January, but last minute Kath said "let's do it."
Good call Kath! The photo to the left is during the plane ride. Liquid Breakfast for two Please...