Tuesday, June 23, 2009

North Carolina & Outter Banks

I think some the most beautiful areas of the USA are our Federal Parks and National Seashores. We departed early again today en route to Ocracoke Island and Cedar Islands (ferries). Ocracoke reminded us so much of Martha's Vineyard without the "attitude" and Cedar Island was absolutely naturally beautiful. This is also the island where the "wild horses" were known to run the beaches. They have been contained on a 100 acre reserve ever since the roads were built in late 1959. We considered staying the night on Ocracoke but all of the campgrounds were federal and we did not make any ICE for the night... So, off to Cedar Island where we were able to get a campsite in a marina for the night. The island is well known for it's fishing industry. The sounds and smells of the ocean are welcoming and relaxing.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chesapeake Bay & Cape Hatteras

Day two was a beautiful trip. We traveled over the Chesapeake Bay bridge of approx 23 miles. The day was beautiful and the ocean was calm. We were in search of Cape Hatteras Light. The lighthouse is the tallest in the nation and the most famous symbol of North Carolina. We got there at sunset hence able to view it in a rare light.
Me & Kath have seen this light before, but it had just been moved to it's new location and incomplete. The sun light setting on the west side of it also brings out a unique beauty.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Day

For those of you that get a laugh at the things that me and Kath do, I will try to update as often as I can -
First day started by us having to return to both of our houses to get stuff that we forgot. Kath's medicine and my extra set of keys. So after we retrieved our "stuff" we headed for the pike.
Our first day we spent following the coast(that's our goal here)to Cape May where we got the ferry to Delaware. This took some time, and a few more gray hairs for me as I drove onto what seemed to be a "small" ferry. Upon leaving the ferry we checked out the area a bit and found a state campground in which we set ourselves up for the night. This is where it gets interesting... Before I start, you have to understand that we were very limited to our choices as it was late. OK, we registered, got a site and then after trying to find the electrical box that I found out didn't exist, set up camp for dry camping. This is really not a problem because we are self contained and have enough battery backup to keep us going for the night. The night was quiet and uneventful until the sun came up. I went to go out of the MH to check out the area only to find out that the stairs did not go out. Strange... I know what causes this. Battery failure. So, I think to myself,we have two brand new ones under there. OK, now what? It didn't take time to realize that the engine battery was the problem. This shouldn't happen, I said to myself... Well, it did because we had the electric cooler plugged in all night. OK, figured that out. Get the room in and ready to move, turned the key: dead. What the F...???? Had to get out the battery charger, put an extension cord through the window, start the generator, and hope the hell that works. Did I mention the keys issue? Well the keys that I had left at home had the engine key on it so it was really great that we went back to get them. Got the coach going and we were off for the day.
Oh, one of the most distressing issues was the inability to make ice in the ice maker. Thank God for generators.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Travel Preparation

Well, it's officially summer as of this weekend and the GD heat is still on in the house and the rain keeps coming down. Me and Kath decided that we should take a trip to, where else, but find the sun! We are preparing to depart very soon. So stay tuned!
- L