Monday, October 10, 2011

Club House "Rocks"

Well Club 92 is back in action and it's great to be back. At this time of year many beloved friends are in the park as well and every day brings a new adventure. This particular photo was after our now annual "fry all" where we fry anything and everything all day long. We started with 1 fryolator, then 2, now three. Thinking a forth is in order for this years festivities.
Sad thought is that we all depart shortly thereafter for the season has come to an end. The best memories are made with best Friends...

Monday, May 02, 2011

A Special Birthday for a Special LADY

June 14th is a special birthday for a Special Lady! Kath and I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. I was thinking of a place for us to spend her monumental birthday this year. Me and Jaimie thought long and hard and looked into many options. I took advantage of an opportunity of something on TV and in passing simply said "someday Kath, we will go to Hawaii." She looked at me and said, "I don't think so, I am too old now." Well that was the answer... So, me an J set our sights on Hawaii. We decided on Maui and began the task of making our plans. It's a secret!