I was sick for many days during the trip... (sorry Kath!). So what happened? Well, it all started on the plane on the way to the island, and quickly went downhill from there (the First Class bathroom will never be the same. Now we know why we Coach class are not allowed in there, HA). The all inclusive became the all bathroom, as I had to quickly become aware of where all of the bathrooms were. On a couple of occasions they were not quite close enough: read between the lines, close your eyes and you can imagine the horror and despair, not to mention the visual disbelief when one's sees such a thing. I think it would be safe to say that we all would have a disgusting look on our face and our noses all wrinkled up!
"No Food For You, You Poop Too Much." For several days all I ate was rice, potatoes, and a little pasta. As for the drinks... well let's just say that I wasn't able to consume much the first half of the week, and if I did drink, I skipped the juice and went straight for the alcohol (thought it would kill the bug). I even tried coconut juice, as you can see. But, the bartenders thought I would b
e better off with their own special concoction in there. It was good, but a little too sweet!
OK, If a fever, diarrhea, and vomiting wasn't bad enough, a tropical depression moved in for 5 days. This caused us to experience wind gusts of up to 65MPH, rough sea's, and rain. The locals say that this is very unusual at this time of year, and thought that it would subside quickly. It didn't! But that did not hold us down. We found our own entertainment and provided some for others as well (no surprise, right?). We met some wonderful people from Toronto (Trixy and Roxy, Keenan and Ryan) and quickly became best of friends. We shared many stories and laughs throughout the week and look forward to getting together with them in the future. Thanks girls for the laughs and remember to be on the lookout for "New England Clam Chowder."
The picture above is of Kath and her "new knee" getting up on the pool bar with Levi, the bartender. He was dancing up there with her! It was really funny, too. She is a "pisser" my friend Kath! You go girl!!!!
All was not lost however, because we did get to spend 2 full days at the beach. Thankfully so as it turns out, because I was taking antibiotics and that made my skin photo-sensitive. Of course we figured that out afterwards. Good thing I like RED!
All in all, we had a good time and look forward to next year.
- LJg