Last week we spent our last weekend for the season at our favorite camp ground. We were able to get our favorite site as well. We were facing the ocean with a view of the Cape Cod Canal. Does it get any better than that?
The weather was absolutely wonderful for one of the weekend days, but seasonally cold the other. The good news is that we had many friends around that kept us warm with friendship and laughter!
Willie usually pulls his lobster pots from the canal, and we indulge in a decadent lobster or two freshly boiled by Willie himself (as many places we have enjoyed lobster, none have ever tasted as sweat and delicious as those from the canal). We try to have a clambake before the end of the season; however the weather was not cooperating with us this time, so we only had the lobsters (thank you Willie)! Ok, so what did we do? We had a fry-all… We had a commercial fryer and cooked, ate, drank, and laughed for hours. The fried asparagus was to die for. The onion rings were awesome as well. Oh, yes, and how can we leave out the clam cakes? They were better than the ones we have gotten anywhere in New England.
We went to the fish market and asked to purchase the batter. They’ll sell anything these days. It was soooo worth it, though. I can’t wait until next year to try them again. You are probably asking why we have to wait until then; because that crap will kill us.
Saturday night we had over 16 people in the motor home. I say we could still have gotten a few more in there... The sounds of joy and laughter could be heard throughout the campground. Thank God the season was at its end and not a single Ranger was to be found! Can we say party time?
The sadness came with the reality that all good things must come to an end. And yes, this too shall become a memory to get us through the winter months in NE.
Friends, stay safe and healthy - Until we meet again…