Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's still summer and we are going for all we can! Today we embarked on a week-long vacation at Block Island. We had never been here before, and are pleasantly surprised at the relaxed atmosphere and natural beauty of the island. Of course we had to take a ferry over, but once we got to the island and oriented ourselves as to where we were and had to be, we asked some people at the hotel where we should rent a vehicle. Yup, you probably guessed it... we rented a motorbike and toured the island for a few hours. Kath was a little nervous at first, but we practiced a little before we went out and voila, we were off and riding. (Kath could not get her own bike because they were out today, but there is always tomorrow)! As for what we saw of the island today, lets just saw that it is nothing like what we had expected. What a gorgeous island. Clean, quiet (on the outside of town) and quite picturesque. Jaimie joined us for the day and she enjoyed it as well, even though the island name does not have a foreign country origin. She had her bike and we had ours, we had a ball. After riding around and exploring the island, we stopped at a very busy restaurant in town where we enjoyed lunch (because of the ambiance and the company, not the food. That sucked). The view was beautiful and the temperature today was just perfect for touring. High 70's and sunny. Caught a few rays by the beach before calling it a day. Will update as things change. Chow! -LJg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you two, you are off again? Block Island is so close, but we never think to go there. Hope you are enjoying yourself!