Saturday, October 27, 2007

BoothBay Bound

As most of you know, we travel north to Maine every fall for one last glimpse of our brilliant New England foliage, the abundance of shopping availability in Freeport (L.L. Bean's), the comforting sights of the ever changing coastline, and of course Booth Bay harbor.

This year, our good friends Willie and Queenie joined us at Brown's Wharf. We were in room 312 and they were in room 212, just below us. For many years we have frequented Brown's but always at different times. This time however, we scheduled our vacations so we could go together... GOOD TIMES!
We got there first... wanting to do something to welcome them back to Brown's, we hung a can of Bud Light over the railing, down to Willie's room. This was our welcome mat! That night we shared much laughter with good friends, enjoyed the wonderful sights, sounds and ambiance of the harbor, and finished the night off with dinner and drinks at Brown's.

The next day, we began the day by stopping for breakfast at Moody's Diner in Union, Maine. The experience is always worth the trip. Breakfast was good as always, and Queenie bought half of the place to take with us on the ride. - Go Figure -

The weather was not cooperating with us at all that day, so we only went up to Camden and walked around a bit.

Upon our return to Booth Bay we enjoyed dinner at the TownsEnd and finished the night with cocktails (what else) on the upper deck, while enjoying each other's company.

OK, so while Willie and Queenie were on their way downstairs for the night, we hung a present (a skeleton) over the railing to great them. HA! We finally got you guys for all of the pranks you pulled on us all of these years!

The weather on our last day was stunning! Bright blue skies and mild temperatures. Seeing as the ocean was calm, we were able to take a ride over to Southport to Hendricks Head Light, this is one of my favorite lighthouses of Maine. After a short drive, we continued on to Ocean Point for our annual drive around the ever inviting Linikin Bay. Absolutely one of the most beautiful areas in New England!

After a brief reprieve in "our" Adirondack chairs overlooking the bay, we returned to Brown's to bid farewell to our dear friends, as we returned to Massachusetts for another year.

Willie and Worm - Thanks for the memories, the laughter, and most of all your friendship!

Kath - You are STILL the "Ballerina Girl!"

- LJg

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cape Cod Here We Come

After a short recovery time for Kath, we finally were able to get in the "Lead Sled" and go to the Cape for a couple of weeks. The weather was hot by day and quite comfortable by night. No rain in sight... just one cloudy day. Awesome... Certainly can not ask for anything more than that.
The picture to the left was of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Training Ship the T.S. Enterprise. This vessel is where the Cadets do their 180 days of "at sea" training while at the academy. If you look closely, you will see the decks lined with all of the Cadets in full dress blues. What an impressive sight!

After a short time home, we were able to return for a weekend or two to join our beloved friends Willie and Worm in laughter, good food and many drinks (it was hot... hydration).

As in years past, the memories will have to last until spring when we hope to return again.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Snoopy Goes to the BEACH

As most of you know, I miss taking Zoey to the beach to run and feel the freedom that a dog should feel. So, I asked a friend if I could take their dog Snoopy for the weekend. They thought I had lost it because people don't usually invite dogs to go on vacation, they usually want to leave them home. Well, Snoops came to the beach and she had an awesome time, as did I. We walked the Canal road several times a day, socialized with many other dogs (and people) that were at the Campground, and simply enjoyed the new experience.

Snoops had never been to the beach or felt the sand between her toes, so when I let her off the leash to run in the sand, she was so excited. She ran in and out of the waves and up and down the beach. Stopping only to see if I was watching. I was not only watching, I had the camera going like mad. I know, no surprise to those that know me, but she was really so funny. The last couple of shots that I got, I wasn't paying too much attention to the water and a huge wave came and nailed us both... we were soaked, and it was a little cool (October). It didn't seen to phase Snoops, but I certainly wasn't too pleased to have soaked jeans, shoes and oh ya, the walk back up to the path through the sand was nasty. We were both covered in SAND! Needless to say, that was the end of the beach for the time being. Maybe next year we will do it again. Till then Snoops, thanks for the laughter and the memories!

- LJg

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bald Headed Man with Loafers

During our last days of the season at Scusett Beach, a strange little man appeared mysteriously at Willie and Worms campsite. They called it the "Bald Headed Man with Loafers." Well as you can see the very well dressed ugly Bastard showed up in the evening while we were all enjoying dinner on site 92. Willie saw the guy first as he rounded the corner to the camper, and almost crapped a brick because the thing talks and lights up in the night.
No one has any real idea where this thing came from or who put the Mother on Willie and Worms camp site. Hopefully one day we will all know who the culprit is. Until then... good joke!
- LJg