Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cape Cod Here We Come

After a short recovery time for Kath, we finally were able to get in the "Lead Sled" and go to the Cape for a couple of weeks. The weather was hot by day and quite comfortable by night. No rain in sight... just one cloudy day. Awesome... Certainly can not ask for anything more than that.
The picture to the left was of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Training Ship the T.S. Enterprise. This vessel is where the Cadets do their 180 days of "at sea" training while at the academy. If you look closely, you will see the decks lined with all of the Cadets in full dress blues. What an impressive sight!

After a short time home, we were able to return for a weekend or two to join our beloved friends Willie and Worm in laughter, good food and many drinks (it was hot... hydration).

As in years past, the memories will have to last until spring when we hope to return again.


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