Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Furry Visitor for Christmas

We had a "Furry Visitor" for Christmas this year. Her name is Schnooooops. Some of you may have already been greeted by her on occasion this past year. Her Mom & Dad shared Christmas with family and we were given the gift of a little excitement for Christmas morning. She was one excited pup when she figured out that she was allowed to destroy the wrapping paper to find toys inside. At the end of the day she was soooo tired that she made herself a bed in the middle of the sea of wrapping paper to sleep in.
In the picture above, she is investigating the one present that soon became her favorite for the day.

We hope all of you had a safe and happy holiday, and have many good memories!

- LJg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda - I am so happy to see that you have a dog in your life again. Even if she only visits on occasion! - Mike