Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Bottle House

One building has over 25,000 recycled bottles. Truly an amazing sight!

West Point Harbour & Light

The only lighthouse on the island that is black and white. It's unique because it is a working light as well as bed and breakfast/restaurant. We camped right on the beach beside the lighthouse for the night.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tip to Tip, PEI

"Where the mighty tides of the St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait meet to create a show of nature’s force”.
We did it! We traveled the entire east coast through the island to the west coast. The trip was one that is unexplainabley beautiful. The rolling hills, the colors of ecological life, and the scent of the ocean. A trip we all would appreciate.
North America's largest natural reef is accessible from here. The waters are unbelievably warm and the sand was soft and red. In the foreground you can see the sea lions perched on the sandbar, baying in the warm oceanic air.
Elephant rock is located at the extreme tip of the point and is easily accessible at low tide, and North Cape Light stands tall and bright. Well worth the drive!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"One Particular Harbour"

Quaint, picturesque, and inviting...
Rustico is quite well known as having by far the best lobster grounds, with the biggest catches of anywhere on the island. "Fisherman's Wharf Lobster Suppers" and the "Blue Mussel Cafe" are popular places to enjoy the fresh seafood of Prince Edward Island. We opted for the Blue Mussel Cafe where we enjoyed local mussels, a lobster roll, and chowder. The mussels were sweet and tender. They also tasted a bit milder than those found on the Massachusetts shores. The lobster was good, but we like the lobster in the Cape Cod Canal (Willy's) much better. It' sweeter and much more tender.
We sat outside and took in the welcoming sights of the calm and warm waters while listening to the faint bustling of tourists strolling the boardwalk. The small harbour was lined with small shacks, shops, restaurants, and of course a lighthouse and beach where we "off roaded on the beach" with the Lead Sled!

Charlottetown & the House of Green Gables

Home to a third of Prince Edward Island's residents, Charlottetown is a small but lively and historic city. It is also the home of the infamous Lucy Maud Montgomery, world renowned author of Anne of Green Gables. Throughout the many miles of driving, Kath and I listened to the audio book version of Anne of Green Gables and were keenly aware of the story and the attributes of it's author. Upon our arrival we found that 2008 is the 100Th anniversary of the book, so they were in the midst of celebrating. The tour of the house that was the center of the story was just as the story depicts. We both enjoyed the home, the gardens and the infamous walk through the haunted forest.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Sands Sing in Souris

Close to the eastern tip of P.E.I., just northeast of Souris, there’s a spectacular golden sand beach that the locals say sings or squeaks when you walk on it. Although many consider this to be the best beach on the island, we were unable to hear the squeaks because it was had been raining. The quartz in the sand along with it's shape enables a high pitch sound to be emmitted while rubbing the gains of sand together as when you walk on it. However, it has to be dry for that to happen. We did however enjoy the beach and all of the activities that abound there.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

East Coast-Prince Edward Island

Upon the early morning sunshine, Kath and I arose with direction and determination towards the days travels.
Location #1 was Brakely Beach PEI. Our first impression is that the water was WARM and that the sand was red. Totally different from the ocean we are accustomed to.
The remainder of the day we encountered several lighthouses and rolling hills of potato fields and farms. Green, every place you looked. What a warm and welcome sight.
Onward tomorrow...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island

The Confederation Bridge joins the Provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. It took us about 15 minutes to cross it and the sights of PEI were enticing. We can't wait to experience the PEI culture!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Low Bridge to Hopewell Rocks

Well, as you know, we are on a trip to New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island. We traveled down narrow isolated roads that were the worst I have ever driven. Obviously stress was beginning to mount as we encountered a very low covered bridge, AND I MEAN LOW. It was wooden and said that the clearance was 5.3 meters. What the Hell was this in feet? At this time I was in no mood to do any conversion!!! Kath was very quiet. I said "you decide, I am not feeling good about this". Kath being the person she is said, "Let's go for it". It reminded me of Thelma & Louise! So obviously we made it, but it was very close, and we are still rolling!
The Bay of Fundy's Hopewell Rocks at Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick — also known as The Flowerpot Rocks — are the single most popular tourist attraction in Canada's Picture Province, New Brunswick, and the site of the higest tides in the world.
Twice each day the highest tides in the world (up to 46 feet) flood the beach, and twice each day you can explore the floor of the Bay of Fundy at low tide! Created over thousands of years by the Bay of Fundy's awesome tidal forces, these rock formations are a natural wonder we all should put on our list of "things to see before I go"!
We arrived in time to walk the ocean floor around the rocks at low tide and then we found a campsite close by so we may go back to see the rocks at high tide. unfortunately, the next morning during high tide the place wasn't open early enough and the tide recedes so quickly that we were not able to see it completely. Absolutely spectacular though. -L

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Saint Johns, New Brunswick

It was raining most of the day, but we moved on toward Saint Johns, NB as our next stop. The town is the oldest ship building city in North America.
Saint Johns has unspoiled natural parks(one of which we stayed the night)with a view carved by the Bay of Fundy. Steep (reminded me of San Francisco), history lined streets simply bustling with the maritime charm that I love so.
We strolled around the city for a while and checked out the City Square witch is similar to our Fanuel Hall. The roof of this building is made from a very old ship of the early 1800's. There is not a great deal of excitement here, but non-the-less an experience... ~L

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Saint Andrews, New Brunswick

After a long day traveling and going through customs, it was very welcoming to stop at a campground in Saint Andrews by the Bay of Fundy for the night. It was still early enough, and we had a campsite right on the ocean. We set up camp and sat by the waters edge for the rest of the night as we planned our next days agenda.
Stay Tuned...

Canadian Customs

Yup, you guessed it!!!!! We approached the Canadian border and as we got into the inspection area and after they checked our passports, of course... That's when the excitement happened. They asked us all of the questions that they usually would ask, such as how many people, pets, etc. and then they asked about alcohol. We told them that we had two bottles in there. They asked how big and we thought it best to be evasive, so when she said 1.2 liter we said probably. She waved us on through the first station and we thought great!!!! Not so fast, as when we approached the real border the "Men with Guns" came out. They asked us to get out and they went in. I was crapping my pants because I knew full well that we had more vodka than we should have.
So, trying to be optimistic, I thought maybe we could offer them a cocktail... maybe act stupid and say we had no idea that was in there. Maybe they wouldn't find it all.
What an idiot I was! This is what they do for a job, they are trained to find this shit. And, find it they did. They came out after twenty minutes and casually strolled over to us and said "Ladies, do you realize that you have more alcohol than you declared"? We shockingly looked at each other and then back to them and said really????? Yes, they said we could confiscate it, but since this is your first time, we will only give you a warning". I gratefully said thank you AND said that I could drink it right NOW if they would feel better. They smirked and then said that won't be necessary, Ma mm.
Off we went and found a place as soon a we could to change our undies. We will be certain to drink it all before we go back.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The MOORINGS, Belfast Maine

OK, by now you have figured out that we have gotten ourselves ready and we have made our departure. We departed a little late as both me and Kath had business to attend to before we left. Once we got on the road however we were headed towards a campground that we have been trying to get into for 4 years. It is small but right on Penobscot Bay. We checked it out a couple of years ago when a dear friend(Queenie) found it on the Internet. While we were in Maine visiting a couple of years ago, we decided to drive to check it out. It was off season, but it was easy to see what a wonderful spot that would be to take the Lead Sled!
OK, so now that we have been able to have the opportunity to get there, we called ahead and asked if they had any sites. They did, Yahoo!!! We were ready, and off we went. The site was not right on the bay, but one row back. It was wonderful. Me and Kath enjoyed a leisurely stroll down to the water and sat by the ocean until dark. Sweet!
In the AM we were off to Canada, but before we went, we had to take a few pictures of the bay and a huge Coast Guard vessel just off the shore. The fog was light as it often is by the New England coast. Just enough however to entice you to return.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Off to Price Edward Island

A couple of years ago, me and Kath thought we would plan a trip to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. We did the research, but it just wasn't in the cards for us to take that trip at that time. So, we are thinking about it this summer.
We are readying the Lead-Sled and making plans. Almost ready to go... A couple more "service checks" and we will be off. Stay tuned for updates on what we expect to be a fantastic scenic trip of a lifetime.