Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Canadian Customs

Yup, you guessed it!!!!! We approached the Canadian border and as we got into the inspection area and after they checked our passports, of course... That's when the excitement happened. They asked us all of the questions that they usually would ask, such as how many people, pets, etc. and then they asked about alcohol. We told them that we had two bottles in there. They asked how big and we thought it best to be evasive, so when she said 1.2 liter we said probably. She waved us on through the first station and we thought great!!!! Not so fast, as when we approached the real border the "Men with Guns" came out. They asked us to get out and they went in. I was crapping my pants because I knew full well that we had more vodka than we should have.
So, trying to be optimistic, I thought maybe we could offer them a cocktail... maybe act stupid and say we had no idea that was in there. Maybe they wouldn't find it all.
What an idiot I was! This is what they do for a job, they are trained to find this shit. And, find it they did. They came out after twenty minutes and casually strolled over to us and said "Ladies, do you realize that you have more alcohol than you declared"? We shockingly looked at each other and then back to them and said really????? Yes, they said we could confiscate it, but since this is your first time, we will only give you a warning". I gratefully said thank you AND said that I could drink it right NOW if they would feel better. They smirked and then said that won't be necessary, Ma mm.
Off we went and found a place as soon a we could to change our undies. We will be certain to drink it all before we go back.

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