Sunday, November 01, 2009

Season's End

The camping season may be over, but the memories are still very fresh in my mind.
The last day of the last week of seasonal camping at Scusset is a day of sadness. We said goodbye to many good friends.
As we took a final walk down the canal road and through the campground there was but only a few campers in view packing up for their final departure as well. The vivid sadness in the air is so unassuming. We have never seen the campground so empty and quiet... So from me and Kath and the clubhouse at Club 92, we wish you all the best of the upcoming holiday season and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hendricks Head Lighthouse

Undeniable one of my most favorite lighthouses.
Located at the mouth of the Sheepscot River, near the part of Southport Island now known as Cozy Harbor and six miles from Boothbay Harbor. Every year when me and Kath go to Boothbay we have to take a trip to see this lighthouse. No matter how many times I have seen it, it always looks different. Maybe it's the light, or perhaps the level of the tide... It is picturesque, quiet, and a very relaxing place to just sit and listen to the slapping of the water against the rocks or watch the passing sailboats as they gracefully slip past us.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Beach, Drinks, Sunset

After an awesome tour of Florida Inter-Coastal waterways and some of the Florida's best beaches, we settled in at Palm Shores for dinner and drinks beach side while we awaited the "Lucky Old Sun" to set. Although this was not one of it's better debut's, it was awesome just the same. The music, ambiance and food was great! Lot's of love and lot's of laughs!
This is exactly what me and Kath spend big $$$ for every year in the Caribbean. We just love this. The experience is forever etched in our memories! Thanks Bob and Lou!!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

A Grand Entrance

How can we explain what happened today? After driving several hours past the Glades, we finally arrived at our destination. We checked in at the campground and quickly departed without setting up camp as we were en route to our long lost friends house. We arrived there only to find that they live in a gated community. The attendant at the gate did not want us to go in there, but after several minutes and a line of cars behind us and allot of frustration, they really did not know what to do with us... so, when they tried to move some cars around so they could go around us, and finally opened the gate for them, I took the opportunity and blew the gate! I am in... now, find the house. As we were driving through the community, I could see what appeared to be Lou's car in my mirror. When we got close to her house and parked and she parked across from us it was obvious that it was her. Now what? She got out of her car and looked perplexedly at the coach in front of her but continued about her business. Me and Kath got out our Tropical Glasses and opened the door right in front of her. She looked, and the element of surprise had been met! Awesome! We then went around back to surprise Bob and Schnoops... I wasn't sure that MY DEAR FURY FRIEND WOULD REMEMBER ME, but she did! It was so nice to be there, seeing for ourselves that they were OK. We spent a few hours catching up and laughing together as we always do, before Bob kindly escorted us back to camp for the evening, A few social cocktails and the night was sadly over. We have sooo missed them and are looking forward to spending a few more hours catching up on the last years events!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Everglades NP

How can one ever describe the expansive and natural beauty of the Everglades? This is definitely something that one has to experience to appreciate. Being that it is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. There are rare and endangered species of wildlife everywhere. Although we were only able to see a few by car we were abundantly aware that they were there, especially the alligators. We stopped at the end of the glades to take an air boat ride and as we were waiting for the boat, I turned my head and there was a gator looking right at me! I was not more than 4 feet away. I thought because it didn't move, it may have been a fake, but careful observation of this massive beast revealed his nostrils moving. REAL! OK, I was behind a fence so I felt relatively safe. Then three more showed up. I then felt as if I was their dinner waiting to be attacked. RUN!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

North Carolina & Outter Banks

I think some the most beautiful areas of the USA are our Federal Parks and National Seashores. We departed early again today en route to Ocracoke Island and Cedar Islands (ferries). Ocracoke reminded us so much of Martha's Vineyard without the "attitude" and Cedar Island was absolutely naturally beautiful. This is also the island where the "wild horses" were known to run the beaches. They have been contained on a 100 acre reserve ever since the roads were built in late 1959. We considered staying the night on Ocracoke but all of the campgrounds were federal and we did not make any ICE for the night... So, off to Cedar Island where we were able to get a campsite in a marina for the night. The island is well known for it's fishing industry. The sounds and smells of the ocean are welcoming and relaxing.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chesapeake Bay & Cape Hatteras

Day two was a beautiful trip. We traveled over the Chesapeake Bay bridge of approx 23 miles. The day was beautiful and the ocean was calm. We were in search of Cape Hatteras Light. The lighthouse is the tallest in the nation and the most famous symbol of North Carolina. We got there at sunset hence able to view it in a rare light.
Me & Kath have seen this light before, but it had just been moved to it's new location and incomplete. The sun light setting on the west side of it also brings out a unique beauty.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Day

For those of you that get a laugh at the things that me and Kath do, I will try to update as often as I can -
First day started by us having to return to both of our houses to get stuff that we forgot. Kath's medicine and my extra set of keys. So after we retrieved our "stuff" we headed for the pike.
Our first day we spent following the coast(that's our goal here)to Cape May where we got the ferry to Delaware. This took some time, and a few more gray hairs for me as I drove onto what seemed to be a "small" ferry. Upon leaving the ferry we checked out the area a bit and found a state campground in which we set ourselves up for the night. This is where it gets interesting... Before I start, you have to understand that we were very limited to our choices as it was late. OK, we registered, got a site and then after trying to find the electrical box that I found out didn't exist, set up camp for dry camping. This is really not a problem because we are self contained and have enough battery backup to keep us going for the night. The night was quiet and uneventful until the sun came up. I went to go out of the MH to check out the area only to find out that the stairs did not go out. Strange... I know what causes this. Battery failure. So, I think to myself,we have two brand new ones under there. OK, now what? It didn't take time to realize that the engine battery was the problem. This shouldn't happen, I said to myself... Well, it did because we had the electric cooler plugged in all night. OK, figured that out. Get the room in and ready to move, turned the key: dead. What the F...???? Had to get out the battery charger, put an extension cord through the window, start the generator, and hope the hell that works. Did I mention the keys issue? Well the keys that I had left at home had the engine key on it so it was really great that we went back to get them. Got the coach going and we were off for the day.
Oh, one of the most distressing issues was the inability to make ice in the ice maker. Thank God for generators.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Travel Preparation

Well, it's officially summer as of this weekend and the GD heat is still on in the house and the rain keeps coming down. Me and Kath decided that we should take a trip to, where else, but find the sun! We are preparing to depart very soon. So stay tuned!
- L

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Marine One"

Dwight Eisenhower was the first President to fly on Marine One, in 1957, while on vacation in Rhode Island. Soon after, Marine and Army aviators were landing on the South Lawn of the White House for regular lifts, linking up with Air Force One.
Marine One's distinctive paint job dates back to the Eisenhower Administration. At the time, the helicopters did not have air conditioning, so to make the cabin more comfortable for the President, the Marines painted the top of the aircraft white to deflect sunlight.
The other picture is of "THE FIRST LADY" in front of Marine One...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sun Rise - Sun Set

A perfect day to veg out and enjoy the weather (76, low humidity, and gentle breezes) and the ambiance. These are photos taken from the patio at sunrise and sunset. A beautiful day!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Destin - The Emerald Coast

Last year me and Kath drive toward Destin, Fort Walton and Panama City beaches. Known for its emerald waters and white sand beaches. We were told that the sand on Destin's beaches is some of the whitest in the world. (I bet that this beach was on NatGeo's "Most Beautiful Beaches of the US") The sand comes from the mountains and is made of finely ground quartz crystal. It almost looks like sugar, but with a finer texture.
As you enter Destin, you are immediately impressed with the friendly warm harbor-side town. Me and Kath enjoy having a cold one by the entrance to the harbor while we appreciate the warmth of the sun on our face. If you look closely at the photo, you can see me and Kath on the left side.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Crab Trap for Lunch with Friends

This year when we got to Pensacola, we were so warmly greeted by someone who has become a good friend and partner in crime... Dave Woods. He arrived at our front door and invited us to a day of touring the Pensacola area and lunch. Well, I can tell you that the day was wonderful. We stopped at several landmark areas and establishments and ended our trip with lunch by the water-side at the Crab Trap in Pensacola. The food was great, the weather was mild and the sun was inviting, especially after the long winter we have had in MA. The ambiance was awesome, gentle breezes and the food was good. I had my first bowl of real "GUMBO" and I was impressed!
The company was what we live for and appreciate! Thanks Dave!!!! The day was full of all things good...

Joe Patti's Famous Seafood

OK, we all have to be into seafood in order to get this. Well, I have to admit that I have never seen such a huge selection of absolutely fresh seafood in my life. This includes Joe's seafood market on the Cap Cod canal! This place had everything, I mean all types of fish including "red shrimp" of which I didn't even know existed! What a sight to see. There was no odor and you could watch the fish get unloaded from the dock beside the market from a "Thompson Trawler" (well known fishing boat on the Gulf coast).
I am not a huge fish eater, but I was tempted to purchase a few pounds of the red shrimp and/or Mahi Mahi for dinner, but being in Florida, one would have to be close to home or have a cooler close by.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blue Angels on the Tarmac

Well, I have to say that it has been more years than I want to admit since I have seen the Blue Angels. Friends that have a very special place in my heart used to take me to see them when I was very young and I haven't seen the Blue Angels show since. Sad to say...
They haven't lost a step... They are as spectacular as I remember them to be!
After a long day of travel and finally arriving at a friends castle, we awoke early to get a good spot at the airshow. This show was at their home base at the Pensacola Naval Air-station. It lasted approximately 45 minutes and was absolutely spectacular!
While watching, we thought that they had just gone by when another appeared out of nowhere... We almost lost our shit....

Monday, February 23, 2009

April 2009...

Spring Break 2009 - Maybe a little time away at a good friends castle? Can you recognize these pictures?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mumm's the Word!

After a warm afternoon at the beach, we were back at our room to wash off the sand and enjoy a cold beverage while we took in a spectacular view.
This worthy exemplar of richness and finesse that epitomizes “Only the Best” was a gift from someone very special - Thank you "J", we enjoyed every drop!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Spot with a View

This is definitely one of my favorite photos. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in one of these chairs listening to the surf hit the golden sands while you appreciate the gentle breezes upon your sun kissed skin... ~ LJg

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


The past couple of years at the RIU had dynamite entertainment every night,(not me and Kath). This place had very poor entertainment nightly, so we made our own. You be the judge...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Grand Bahia Principe

The past couple of years we have gone to Jamaica because it is close and offers warm water and sunshine at a time when we usually have had enough cold.
The hotel that we stayed at was the Grand Bahia Principe. Last year we dropped off a few people at the resort on our way to ours and thought that it looked grand. It had just opened. We both said to each other that we should have considered staying there. Well this year we did.
The grounds were impeccable and stylishly designed. Palms and tropical flowers everywhere. The beach was expansive with grass huts all over the place. Calm surf, powder white sands, and gentle tropical breezes. If I close my eyes I can still feel the sand between my toes and the smell of the salt air and feel of the sun embellishing my body with vitamin D. Ahhhhh, that was the life... That is until we got into the room and found that there were a few things that we hadn't planned on. For example, the "mini bar" that was supposed to be stocked with our favorite beverages had the following in there: 2 beers, 2 small bottles water, 2 cokes, 1 diet coke, 1 orange soda, and 1 sprite. That was it! We wandered where the vodka was??? Now I ask you, do you think that this would be a problem? We asked to have more water put in the room and that really never happened. So guess what, we had to drink the other stuff from the bar that looked like water. Kath is so smart, she said there had to be water in there at one time or another. We had to hydrate... Anyways, after the hotel running out of vodka two days in a row, the shower head falling off on Kath's head, no towels in the room, the electronic key system erratically locked us out of the room... We still had a good time.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Liquid Breakfast for Two, Please

We departed for our annual winter reprieve on Friday. Upon our departure the Boston temperature was 17 degrees. A little cold to say the least, but 4 hours later, we were enjoying the balmy tropical heat and breezes of Jamaica.
Our trip this year almost didn't happen. We had decided that we were not going to go in January, but last minute Kath said "let's do it."
Good call Kath! The photo to the left is during the plane ride. Liquid Breakfast for two Please...