Friday, July 03, 2009

Beach, Drinks, Sunset

After an awesome tour of Florida Inter-Coastal waterways and some of the Florida's best beaches, we settled in at Palm Shores for dinner and drinks beach side while we awaited the "Lucky Old Sun" to set. Although this was not one of it's better debut's, it was awesome just the same. The music, ambiance and food was great! Lot's of love and lot's of laughs!
This is exactly what me and Kath spend big $$$ for every year in the Caribbean. We just love this. The experience is forever etched in our memories! Thanks Bob and Lou!!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

A Grand Entrance

How can we explain what happened today? After driving several hours past the Glades, we finally arrived at our destination. We checked in at the campground and quickly departed without setting up camp as we were en route to our long lost friends house. We arrived there only to find that they live in a gated community. The attendant at the gate did not want us to go in there, but after several minutes and a line of cars behind us and allot of frustration, they really did not know what to do with us... so, when they tried to move some cars around so they could go around us, and finally opened the gate for them, I took the opportunity and blew the gate! I am in... now, find the house. As we were driving through the community, I could see what appeared to be Lou's car in my mirror. When we got close to her house and parked and she parked across from us it was obvious that it was her. Now what? She got out of her car and looked perplexedly at the coach in front of her but continued about her business. Me and Kath got out our Tropical Glasses and opened the door right in front of her. She looked, and the element of surprise had been met! Awesome! We then went around back to surprise Bob and Schnoops... I wasn't sure that MY DEAR FURY FRIEND WOULD REMEMBER ME, but she did! It was so nice to be there, seeing for ourselves that they were OK. We spent a few hours catching up and laughing together as we always do, before Bob kindly escorted us back to camp for the evening, A few social cocktails and the night was sadly over. We have sooo missed them and are looking forward to spending a few more hours catching up on the last years events!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Everglades NP

How can one ever describe the expansive and natural beauty of the Everglades? This is definitely something that one has to experience to appreciate. Being that it is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. There are rare and endangered species of wildlife everywhere. Although we were only able to see a few by car we were abundantly aware that they were there, especially the alligators. We stopped at the end of the glades to take an air boat ride and as we were waiting for the boat, I turned my head and there was a gator looking right at me! I was not more than 4 feet away. I thought because it didn't move, it may have been a fake, but careful observation of this massive beast revealed his nostrils moving. REAL! OK, I was behind a fence so I felt relatively safe. Then three more showed up. I then felt as if I was their dinner waiting to be attacked. RUN!