Friday, July 25, 2008

Low Bridge to Hopewell Rocks

Well, as you know, we are on a trip to New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island. We traveled down narrow isolated roads that were the worst I have ever driven. Obviously stress was beginning to mount as we encountered a very low covered bridge, AND I MEAN LOW. It was wooden and said that the clearance was 5.3 meters. What the Hell was this in feet? At this time I was in no mood to do any conversion!!! Kath was very quiet. I said "you decide, I am not feeling good about this". Kath being the person she is said, "Let's go for it". It reminded me of Thelma & Louise! So obviously we made it, but it was very close, and we are still rolling!
The Bay of Fundy's Hopewell Rocks at Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick — also known as The Flowerpot Rocks — are the single most popular tourist attraction in Canada's Picture Province, New Brunswick, and the site of the higest tides in the world.
Twice each day the highest tides in the world (up to 46 feet) flood the beach, and twice each day you can explore the floor of the Bay of Fundy at low tide! Created over thousands of years by the Bay of Fundy's awesome tidal forces, these rock formations are a natural wonder we all should put on our list of "things to see before I go"!
We arrived in time to walk the ocean floor around the rocks at low tide and then we found a campsite close by so we may go back to see the rocks at high tide. unfortunately, the next morning during high tide the place wasn't open early enough and the tide recedes so quickly that we were not able to see it completely. Absolutely spectacular though. -L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CRAP, you got bigger ones than most, my friend!