Monday, June 28, 2010

Potland, Oregon

Well, I have to admit that throughout my life I have not really been much of a "city person" so when J said that we should experience Portland Oregon, I wasn't overly enthused. Much to my surprise this city has a very unique "style" and personalty. We toured the city first by "Lead Sled" and decided it best to rent a mini car to tour instead. Much better! we saw some sights to say the least. The city is awesome and quite pedestrian friendly. There were small cafes and street side entertainment everywhere. We pulled up a chair at a local cafe and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the street. There was an entertainer right in front of us. The weather was mid 70's and a light breeze with no humidity. Does it any better than this? After touring the city we ended up at the Dechutes Brewery where they had closed off the street for the night and had entertainment and a BBQ. Good times...
The next morning we visited a "Farmers Market" on the Courthouse common. We have never seen anything quite like this. It offered fresh vegetables as expected and much more: Porchetta sandwiches, Bakery products to die for, homemade candies, etc. we enjoyed the morning sun, ambiance and aromas and made our choices for purchase and moved on. We then experienced the Chinese Gardens which were smack dab in the middle of the city, crazy.

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