Friday, July 02, 2010

Seattle's Underground City & Pikes Place

Today we visited the underground-original city of Seattle before the big fire of 1889 that destroyed the lower half of the city. All in 12 hours. The tour offers a vague view of the cities history past and present. The tour is offered by a private tour company that pays the businesses above to tour below each business. It some areas it is a dumping ground for some of the remains of the fire before rebuilding to the next level (which they found was not successful either as it too was at or below sea level and the tides did what water does...) Anyways, there is said to be a ghost in the bank vault there, yet I didn't feel any creepier than usual in there.
We later went to Pikes Place. They were throwing huge fish around at the fish markets. An abundance of fresh flowers and vegetables were everywhere. Reminded me of Faneul Hall and Hay Market Square but on a much larger scale - Awesome.

1 comment:

queenie said...

my god. what a trip. at the end, will you be certified as natural human atlas's??? k must be lovin this after a long, not so great winter. be safe and enjoy. love you all.....