Saturday, July 03, 2010

Zombie's, Trolls, & the Space Needle

Today we met up with Jaimie, Tal and Shannon in Seattle city proper. The agenda for the day was to visit the Zombie Parade where thousands of Zombies were marching down the streets. Oh, the sights.... These people spent much time and $$$ to make themselves up like this. Even the dogs had fake blood all over them. Scary yet amazing. We also saw a huge Troll under the bridge of a highway. Seattle has an ordinance where a certain percentage of road projects have to include art of some form. In this case it was a Troll under the bridge. A visit to the famous Space Needle was also in order. The day was clear and the time was just as the sun was beginning to go down. The reflections on the water along with the phenomenal views made the perfect end to a perfect day.

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