Monday, July 10, 2006

Almost there...

Ok, It's Monday and we had Joe the Guru put the new power converter/charger in the coach yesterday, and guess what? The thing actually works! The batteries are charging and the power is being converted. Yahoo!

I am beginning to think that the converter has most likely been the route of all of our problems. Including the slide-room, because that will not work without 12 volt power. If the converter was not working, consequently we had no 12 volt. In retrospect, I can see that we have probably been experiencing intermittent issues with that thing for probably a good year. Should have had Joe fix the coach in the first place. Then it would have been fixed a long time ago.

So, maybe we will leave for a trip tomorrow... Have been reluctant to fill the refridge etc, but the vodka stash is up to par! We really don't need much more than that. Well OK, maybe some ice.

Hope that tomorrow will be the day. Will keep you updated.