Saturday, July 08, 2006


Well, I thought we would be on the road again... Motorhome is rebelling, so we are still home a week later.

After getting it all cleaned up and serviced (slide room), the service center said "the batteries are very low, you need to charge them". OK, so we did. Great! Ready to go... No, not yet!

In the drivers seat and ready to move the coach. Put on the dash air and NOTHING! It apppears that the service technicians blew out several fuses while looking for the relay to the slide room. Meanwhile, Rich is out in the street waiting for me to move, and I come out and wave him in to check out the air (I could see him talking to himself). Two hours later and the location of a couple of blow fuses, still no resolution. Phone call to a freind who fixes just about anything and owns his own coach. He arrives and finds that both fuses go to the air and they both have to be replaced at the same time. Go figure! He puts relays in to hold us until we replace the 25 amp fuses. So... move the coach to Shrewsbury.

Wednesday - Fuses in and working. Ready again? A last minute check of the batteries (just to be sure) revealed that something is drawing them down. We can not even consider going to unknown destinations without battery back-up. Back to the drawing board and yet another phone call to Joe, the Guru. He checks things out again and finds that "somehow" the power converter/charger was not functioning. No one has the part, except a place in Bridgewater. Rich to the rescue from work gets the part and it is here and ready to be put in the coach.

We will try to leave again on Tuesday... will keep you posted.