Monday, July 17, 2006

Where, oh Where is the Erie Canal?

OK, since we have seen much of what we set out to see, we decided not to go over the border into Canada for a couple of reasons. There was an average 2+ hour wait to get through customs, and we had too much booze on board the "lead sled." (Kath must not have been drinking as much as anticipated)

So since we were not going the Canadian route, we thought maybe we would follow the Erie Canal and see some "working locks." Not!

We followed that GD route for miles and miles and never saw a lock, just an occasional muddy river view. Now driving for several hours, through that tremendous heat and humidity we started the task of finding a campground that we could stay in for the night.

Now, several days ago it rained like Hell in NY and the campgrounds were flooded, SO we were limited as to where we could go and whether we would sink into the mud. Shit... That would not be funny!

After an exhausting trek through mountainous back-roads country, we finally came across an information sign on the road... Stopped in, asked questions and we were directed to go XYZ for about 15 minutes up the road. Well, let me tell you, we never found the _____ places that this moron was directing us to, and it was now 4+ hours and many miles later. We could have driven home!

We got back to the main highway. Kath found a site in the Woodall's book, called it and they gave us directions. As it turned out it was about 45 miles away, but it was getting dark and my Buddy was hot, tired and hungry. Oh, and of course thirsty.

Got into the site hooked up, thought all was well and turned on the air conditioner. Brown-out!!! Went out to ask the owner about the power voltage and he told me that the power company cuts back the power and sends it to NY city especially when it's so hot. He said that they only had 104 volts coming into the campground and that was all we could get. "Shut off the air and open the windows." I had already converted the refridge to gas, but it was 92 degrees out and very humid. Kath needed air conditioning!!!!!

The campers next to us were not there, so we used the generator to cool down the house and cook dinner. Decided that the rear air is only occasionally used so we will take a chance with that one. Cooled it down to maybe 85 for the night. And a long night it was.


Anonymous said...

Hey did you forget that we need to see some pictures here? Hope you are having fun!

Anonymous said...

hi mum, nice blog. it is started to sound like my kind of trip. lots of booze and a lots of problems. Sounds like an experience though. I miss you tons
love n u

Anonymous said...

Too much booze on board! Is there such a thing?
I'm disappointed in you both. Especially you Kay!
Mix greyhounds now!
Love ya-