Thursday, July 01, 2010

Olympia NP & Port Angelis

Olympic National Park is where you will find Pacific Ocean beaches, rain forest valleys and glacier-capped peaks. We, however did not see much of this. The fog was so thick at one point that we couldn't see in front of us more than 10 feet. I am sure you will agree that this is a very dangerous situation when you don't know the roads. We drove as high as we could and turned around. In the photos you can see the density of the fog. All was not lost however as we were able to see some black tailed deer which are common to this mountain and got a cool shot of the fog at the opposite end of the mountain tunnel. When we got to the base of the mountain we drove through the ocean front town of Port Angelis. This reminded me of an ocean side drive on the Cape in off-season. Quaint and old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap- Can we say scary?