Thursday, July 27, 2006

Kath Wants a HARLEY

Well, it's been several days since we have been able to post information for you. I will have a resent picture of our location coming soon (have to take one).

We have been busy looking for an addition to our "Sled." I wanted to buy Kath a motor scooter. She doesn't really want one, but indicated that she was interested in a motorcycle. My first impression was that she means a mini-bike type thing. Nope, she wants a real motorcycle to tow behind the "Sled," that we both will ride. Crap! Better make certain that the medical insurance coverage is paid and up to date.

We looked at a few and this is what we are thinking about. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I can see you both now...tight leather outfits, sunglasses, scarves blowing in the wind, Kay with a cocktail in hand.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. Whata sight to be seen! You guys have a great deal of ambition and drive. I would be so afraid. Besides, I don't like bugs flying in my mouth and it is always open, HA!

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