Tuesday, July 04, 2006

LeadSled on the Road Again

Finally... on the road again.
As most of you know, we did not do any "road trips" last year for a variety of reasons. Consequently it was a really long winter. This year however, we were bound and determined to go somewhere.
Our first thoughts were to take a trip across the country, again. This time it was to be on the high side, around the Great Lakes and back through Canada. We got delayed for a couple of weeks by the high gas prices and most importantly the repair of the slide-room (again) which kept us grounded longer than anticipated.
We then changed our itinerary to the Finger Lakes of New York and possibly some of Canada.
Time is the issue. Health issues and work has kept us both grounded, so we need to squeeze some time in for a some good times!
Stay tuned as we will update the site as often as we can get internet access.
Please feel free to comment at any time as we look forward to sharing our trip with you!


Anonymous said...

so how was lake ontario??? no mishaps i presume....right!!!
how about some updates?? enough vacation...start writing.
toasting to you both every night. love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are having a good time and seeing so much. Drinking so much too. Drive safely!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.