Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Well... We made it!!!!

Yup, we finally made it happen. After much to-do with the coach, etc. We finally are off and on the road.

Today we drove through MA and into NY.

Finger Lakes Region of New York:
Drove up the coast of Lake Cayuga, through Auburn, NY; Seneca Falls; Waterloo (the birthplace of Memorial Day); Geneva; and down the west coast of Seneca Lake, almost to the base when we finally stopped for the night (369 miles).

The sights from the coach were absolutely breathtaking and fantastic. Being up higher than a car gives us such a better panoramic view.

We had no idea how beautiful the landscape was, so close to "home". We saw miles and miles of green valley's, corn fields, and grape vines. Such a relaxing and scenic ride.

Stopped over in a corn field for the night. It rained like "A Rainy Night in Georgia", with thunder and lighting that would rock even the most soundest of sleeper (except Kath) out of bed. The first roar, I actually thought that Kath fell out of the bed... She was OK!

Plan to do Watkins Glenn at the base of Seneca Lake and Montauk Falls tomorrow.

I will update again soon.


Anonymous said...

Linda and Kay,
Glad you guys finally made the vacation thing a reality.
Hope you have a safe trip

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.